Project830 proudly announces "P.I.U: Imperfect Collection", being developed by Ckristian Duran (ckdur).
Imperfect Collection 1.0.4
January 2, 2025
Right now, developing another version that causes less problems.
Web page copyright © 2024-2024
Ckristian Duran, Team NTDEC
"Pump It Up" is a registered trademark of ANDAMIRO CO. LTD., all rights correspond to ANDAMIRO and its affiliates. "1sd Dance Floor", "2nd Dance Floor", "3rd Dance Floor OBG", "OBG Season Evolution", "The Collection", "Perfect Collection", "EXTRA", "The Premiere", "The Prex", "Rebirth", "The Premiere 2", "The Prex 2", "The Premiere 3", "The Prex 3", "Exceed", "Exceed 2", "Zero", "NX - New Xenesis", "NX2 - Next Xenesis", "NXA", "Fiesta", "Fiesta Ex", "Fiesta 2", "Prime", "Prime Japanese Edition", "PRIME 2", and "XX 20th anniversary edition" are names corresponding to "Pump It Up" and also are registered to ANDAMIRO CO. LTD. WE DO NOT ENDORSE PIRACY. THIS ISSUE CONTAINS SECURITY WHICH CANNOT BE EASILY CIRCUNVENTABLE. TO PLAY THE NEWEST DANCE SIMULATOR "Pump It Up" DENOMINATED "Phoenix", PLEASE PURCHASE FROM ANDAMIRO USING THIS LINK. |